so its the last of october. and hallowen or all hallows eve! to day most people put candles ute, and i fell that a candel show that you care so why not. i got some an put in my windo, and that is for al the people i love. bot that i lost and still are with me. i will rember them always and hope that the ones i lost RIP.
Me, my life, friend events. the life of one of many that like to write. i like to write and it most times become big messes when i try to get everyting i think about out.
31 October, 2009
29 October, 2009
Im in love...
i have fund someting im so in love with. its a laptop. i know i know i should not be.but this one is amasing
is not hevy, it has a long life time with the batteri. and i want it. so i need to become a miljoner soon so i can by al tihs that i want. i would not only shop. but thir are some thing i want to have that will last me long.
well well w have to see what happens.
need to go back so the prodject. done sooooon.
over and out
is not hevy, it has a long life time with the batteri. and i want it. so i need to become a miljoner soon so i can by al tihs that i want. i would not only shop. but thir are some thing i want to have that will last me long.
well well w have to see what happens.
need to go back so the prodject. done sooooon.
over and out
27 October, 2009
I want to go...
i have friend that want me to go to New Yoork. and i want to. i sooooo want to.
so pleace someone give me money so i can go. and pay of my student loans.
but hey aperently that life is not for me. im not that luky. the money problem will alwyas be thier i wish that was not the problem for me. the money! i hate that. so hate that.
so i wish i wolud be able to have more of this pictures after newyears..that would be a dream come ture!
so pleace someone give me money so i can go. and pay of my student loans.
but hey aperently that life is not for me. im not that luky. the money problem will alwyas be thier i wish that was not the problem for me. the money! i hate that. so hate that.
so i wish i wolud be able to have more of this pictures after newyears..that would be a dream come ture!
26 October, 2009
what have I been up to?
well last week it was the excurion week. so here is the last photos of what we were doing!
magnus and birna working the aquarium
and a loser i know
i found them!
al quots from this summer with katie! and its mostly from the trip to norway!
-"Monica is a sick player" (Katie trying to say nurse in Norwegian)
-"Katie do you like my cook?" (Monica)
-"people looking at me like it's a target on my ass" (Signe)
-"i always get it up again" (Monica)
-"its really wet in here, o it dripped on me" (Katie)
-"where's the umbrella?" (Ulrica) -" i left it in the sex-shop" (Monica)
-"Katie are you going down again?" (Monica)
-"excuse me for reaching across your face" (Katie)
-" if goes too fast for my mouth- its too huge" (Monica)
-" make sure to us a condom, 2 if you have" (Henriette)
-“I don’t have a care in my ass” (Ulrica)
-“if you hade been a virgin, it would have been like woah! ”(Ulrica)
-“how does the tongue and butt connect?” (Katie)
-“it almost gagged me”(Katie) –“pull it out, pull it out” (Ulrica)
-“every time I go put I wake up with the same shirt and no pants…. By myself” (Katie)
-“oh he didn’t go own on you ether” (Monica)
-“better to turn heads then give head” (Carina)
-“they never stop coming (concerning rabbits)” (Ulrica)
-“you’re gonna be in my lab” (Katie)
-“always thinking in sex terms (Ulrica), it comes so naturally (Monica)”
-“ I just saw a green elevator, but it’s behind the trees and it’s white (complicated!)” (Katie)
-“you could be coming with us!” (Katie)
-“I have got some other balls as well” (Monica)
-“you have 2 in every country dam it!!” (Ulrica)
-“I don’t know how but sometimes my bobbs fart!” (Katie)
-“Do you like my ass?” (Katie) –“I only see your thigh” (ulirca)
-"Monica is a sick player" (Katie trying to say nurse in Norwegian)
-"Katie do you like my cook?" (Monica)
-"people looking at me like it's a target on my ass" (Signe)
-"i always get it up again" (Monica)
-"its really wet in here, o it dripped on me" (Katie)
-"where's the umbrella?" (Ulrica) -" i left it in the sex-shop" (Monica)
-"Katie are you going down again?" (Monica)
-"excuse me for reaching across your face" (Katie)
-" if goes too fast for my mouth- its too huge" (Monica)
-" make sure to us a condom, 2 if you have" (Henriette)
-“I don’t have a care in my ass” (Ulrica)
-“if you hade been a virgin, it would have been like woah! ”(Ulrica)
-“how does the tongue and butt connect?” (Katie)
-“it almost gagged me”(Katie) –“pull it out, pull it out” (Ulrica)
-“every time I go put I wake up with the same shirt and no pants…. By myself” (Katie)
-“oh he didn’t go own on you ether” (Monica)
-“better to turn heads then give head” (Carina)
-“they never stop coming (concerning rabbits)” (Ulrica)
-“you’re gonna be in my lab” (Katie)
-“always thinking in sex terms (Ulrica), it comes so naturally (Monica)”
-“ I just saw a green elevator, but it’s behind the trees and it’s white (complicated!)” (Katie)
-“you could be coming with us!” (Katie)
-“I have got some other balls as well” (Monica)
-“you have 2 in every country dam it!!” (Ulrica)
-“I don’t know how but sometimes my bobbs fart!” (Katie)
-“Do you like my ass?” (Katie) –“I only see your thigh” (ulirca)
24 October, 2009
i was going to...
write about the prodject. but then someting happend.
a friend got her son yester day. congrats honey! im glad that al when well and i hope to see you when i get back to sthlm. you will be a wounderfull mother.
and this makes me want it to. i have wanted killds for so long. its in the future for me. but i wolud like to have it now. to get the feeling of creating life in that way. but i will wait. but i have one more persion in my life that are expeting childe. im so exited about that!
over and out
a friend got her son yester day. congrats honey! im glad that al when well and i hope to see you when i get back to sthlm. you will be a wounderfull mother.
and this makes me want it to. i have wanted killds for so long. its in the future for me. but i wolud like to have it now. to get the feeling of creating life in that way. but i will wait. but i have one more persion in my life that are expeting childe. im so exited about that!
over and out
22 October, 2009
sitting in school
i have some time to kill. and since im writing in school. no pichuer toady ether. but tomorrow i promis som photo of teh lab and what we been up to the last to days.
have to say geting home to a hot shower and food sound goos now.
over ans out!
have to say geting home to a hot shower and food sound goos now.
over ans out!
21 October, 2009
im beat to day. it has been a long day with alot going on. im happy tomorrow will be in the lab and im looking forward to the things we will do thier.
i will put up photos of it tomorrow and also write more then today. its 22.30 and im going to sleep well now..
over and out
i will put up photos of it tomorrow and also write more then today. its 22.30 and im going to sleep well now..
over and out
20 October, 2009
I want to! I want to! I want to
i have found this amasing cours on iceland
2 weeks of hard work but heven. i want to do this. so i will see what can be done to do it.
i did not know this existeuntill today. so i want to i want to.
miss my lovede ones
2 weeks of hard work but heven. i want to do this. so i will see what can be done to do it.
i did not know this existeuntill today. so i want to i want to.
miss my lovede ones
day two
so out in to the field again. in more cloths then yestar day, and got home even colder today. but it when good. we got most of the data. so we need to some catching of the shrimps for the lab experiement tomorrow and then we are saft from the cold. or not. the aquaria rum are cold to. but that is only for a short time.
so todays photos.19 October, 2009
first day...
of the group prodject, we have today been out to find were to do the sampling and also goten wet.
itc cold in the water and some in the group got leaking waders.we are going to do someting about that tomorrow. but i know wich one i will have:P
other i miss my lovde ones. the days flys away but i miss them more and more. not having them close is hard.
im happy i will be in sthlm next semester with my family and boy. best thing that could ever be posiblem. or maby to do teh prodject with orcas later. but for now the loved ones are most important.
btw sis stop being sick cant stand that you know. need you fit for fight al the time!!!
itc cold in the water and some in the group got leaking waders.we are going to do someting about that tomorrow. but i know wich one i will have:P
other i miss my lovde ones. the days flys away but i miss them more and more. not having them close is hard.
im happy i will be in sthlm next semester with my family and boy. best thing that could ever be posiblem. or maby to do teh prodject with orcas later. but for now the loved ones are most important.
btw sis stop being sick cant stand that you know. need you fit for fight al the time!!!
love of love to al.
18 October, 2009
now it is enough...
what are they thinking? i mean. god!!!
they are the moste stupid ever. how can some politician think that they can use a world know author, in the policy. to use her as someone in her books are saying what they stand for. that she is for the family, that it should be only sweds in sweden. and to keep sweden swedish. the patriot party that dont get in to the parliment becasue they dont get enough votes.
they have just her the best children book author in the world Astrid Lindgren. its her book that have help many especial Brothers Lionheart that she got so much credit for. that i help children that are sick to see the light. to think that if i don't make it i go to nagiala the campfires and storytelling contery. wher you always are in adventure and never a doll time. and you are no longer sick.
they have you her final word in the book that they also see the light. that they think that that will give them more folowers if the use her.
she has been dead for years now. and i can still feel the pain when i hears she hade die. al her storys i have read. grown up with and loved. moste of the game she have in the book i have played. and even if i cant relat to the main caracter in brothers lionherat, i know that even if their is darks time i my life i have the light that will come. and if i see it i will make it.
astrid is the auther that made my childhood more rich, she gave me games to play, a story at nigh that my parents/granparents read to me and my sisters. the tatoo i have with my sisters on the ankel is from her. one book cald Most Beloved Sister. that we change to Most Beloved Sisters. my nike namn that both the sisters have is from Ronia the Robber's Daughter. al her book have help me becoming me.
so that this pary think they can use her work to get publicity makes me sick. her dother and al that know her say that this would make here angry. and that she woldu be the opinion-maker AGAINST this party.
astrid stands for everone is equall. no matter if you have on parent, are adopted, have a family or is living in a orphanage, a child is a child. and if she hade been writing today in her book their would be children insted of al classes, from al backgrounds. with differetn rots. that she wrote about was what she hade live, what she was seeing around her. so to take what see wrote in 1963, and say she thinks that she wants sweden to be swedish. It makes me sick and i hope i never have to se them in the parlament. they day they get in their al that astrid was standing for will be dead. she love childer. and hoping that we will keep the earth and give a good one to woer children.
so to end this i will put in a mix i made and say that i will one day see you in nagiala! RIP
17 October, 2009
16 October, 2009
so whats up today!
have had an exam i did not like. i mean we hade to do a disscuson. that fine. but it feelt like i diden have anytinh to say. i was so clear. and i know to do a good discussion i need to have refrences that are for and agains what i found. so that did not feel good. but well noting i can do now.
so im working on my scarf and its going good. i hope i will be done with i durign this weekend or next week. so that i can use it. its geting cold and i would love to do a par of gloves to. but well i need to finish the first one.

her is how far i got.
anyone have a surgest what to do
with the ends of it? i look doll to
only have endings
but i will have time for that.
and read my nev books.
and do some londary.
slow but fun weekend.
and i see the brother in law fight in taekwoondo.
go and get that gold! and good luke Daniel
15 October, 2009
to have the cake...
... and eat it.
I can, I can:P hehe
i will be home with my family after chrismas. i can be their in everything that will be going on. and my heart is happyer then ever. i can hug my sisters ween ever i want. i can kiss my boy. and see my friend. hug my mom and dad. i can be their. and thats the best ever.
i love the two next to me. they are my sisters. my blood and my friends. they are the best thing in this world. and i give everyting for them. they are the best and will always have my heart!
Älskar er systra mi!!!
you two are mine and only mine.
we are likt by blood, heart and tatoo!

the best ever
i have the best boyfriend.he know how to make me feel special. yester day the phone rings and its a flower massenger. from him. they are butifful and i feel like the happyest girl in the world.
and i have hade so much thougns about al of this the last cuple of days and then i have said that i feel like he deservs more. he eservs the best. so ofccures B tells me that im the best. and that i should live in the now. so that what im doing agin. what would i do without my lovely friend? the best in the world.
well im styring do update this one often agina.
sew how that goes.
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