I hate when the sun i gone for to long.
i hate when people i love is hurting.
but most of al i hate geting disapointed by people i have in my lifeand that i trust. i have morwe friends now then i just to. and i have bene carefull with how fast i let them in to my life and how well i let them know me.
so then when their is no good reacon to turn your back on me and other friends i get angry and hate it. i hatethe disapointment. i hate that at i feel this why. and i hate that i let you come this close if you only are trowing it in my face. some time i hate you.and this time you can not come back that easy. you might not like when and how often we can met. but then say that and say i dont want to be you friend enymore. not this krap you are doing now. im sick of it and hate it al. i even start hating my self for ever belivning in you. so that mustmean i hate you!!
over and out!
Me, my life, friend events. the life of one of many that like to write. i like to write and it most times become big messes when i try to get everyting i think about out.
29 March, 2010
28 March, 2010
the last days....
...I have been studying well atleast during the week.
thursdag i was out and about with bumbi! we got some stuff for the party in the begining of the summer and then seteld the most for being abel to send the invites for the partyy!
ialso hade time to take awalk and this amasing photo opertunite precentad it self to me. sadly i did not have my nice cam with me, so the phonephoto have to do.
that sunday (so a week later now) i got hurt during my handboll game. and my mother put a bandaid on me to prevent mefrom using the hand.
and last a photo of what it said on a stors window in new york, that me and monica found.
btw she is coming to me for almost a week in june for the party. shes the best!!!!
thursdag i was out and about with bumbi! we got some stuff for the party in the begining of the summer and then seteld the most for being abel to send the invites for the partyy!
ialso hade time to take awalk and this amasing photo opertunite precentad it self to me. sadly i did not have my nice cam with me, so the phonephoto have to do.
and last week i found this t-shirt formy lovely sister. its hard to se the bumbp.but it is their and see look so lovely. also the snappeli from last weekend when me and my love took a coffe during saturday. it was a reminder of the states and the lovely people their. i miss them.
that sunday (so a week later now) i got hurt during my handboll game. and my mother put a bandaid on me to prevent mefrom using the hand.
and last a photo of what it said on a stors window in new york, that me and monica found.
btw she is coming to me for almost a week in june for the party. shes the best!!!!
and thats al for me this time. over and out!
25 March, 2010
frogs and more
so their are alot going on. dad is stilll working with his frogs. and now an other specis have started to lay eggs, and took a photo on them mating and later the eggs.
and the the spring is here and the snpw drop are out and the suns warm.i love this!!! and my sister grows like she should bump is growing and is do soooo soon. i can wait but its still so nice to be with her and see that shes happy and well. so the first photo of bump is here!
and last of al. i have goten the job i want. i will be working at an aquaria. or its more a zoo in stocholm. starting in 1,5 month. and before that i want to have my batholor prodject done. and i will spend time whit my love that i soon have been with for 9 months (time flys)

over and out al my loved ones!
09 March, 2010
yester day!
i was to town going to a comedy show. and it was bloody brilliant.
some was not so good but the last guy, he crackt me up totaly and i want to see more of him. an kiwi (new zealander) adn he was jocking about alot of poeple in the auiens, sweds in general and him self. he was one of the best i have seen alive Al Pitcher, you rook.
so thansk to C and C lovely night and i want to do it again. or i have to see him. hi is so goood!!!
so youtube him. i have;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44klo13ifmE
today is being with the lovely sis. and helping her with stuff. and kuddyling whit the belly!
some was not so good but the last guy, he crackt me up totaly and i want to see more of him. an kiwi (new zealander) adn he was jocking about alot of poeple in the auiens, sweds in general and him self. he was one of the best i have seen alive Al Pitcher, you rook.
so thansk to C and C lovely night and i want to do it again. or i have to see him. hi is so goood!!!
so youtube him. i have;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44klo13ifmE
today is being with the lovely sis. and helping her with stuff. and kuddyling whit the belly!
08 March, 2010
the sun
is out! and me and my mother was in the garden,and we found some snow-drops (idk if that the english name. but they are on their why to bloom. and im so happy. spring is coming! and that thebest ever. i want the sun to be out. i want the flowers to bloom and soon be piking lilly of the vally ( i know that the name of it). so i tok some photos of casa rosa. the dogs. my mother and the snow drops. we will later go for a long walk with the dogs and i hope i finde more to photo then! hehe i love my camera!
i also got this nice serir of eo in action!
and my love ly one!
over and out!
05 March, 2010
being bord
means for me to sitt at my computer doing nothing. or waching movies or lisen to musik. what i should have done was to sort al the stuff out of my computer. make more room on it.but noooo. i did not.
so today bord and i should study i found this one. a strip my friend gave me on oz. (i so miss that) and i can stop laughigabout it. so here i will share it with the world. and i fell sorry for the dicks. they dont have eat easy.
so that it.
over and out!
so today bord and i should study i found this one. a strip my friend gave me on oz. (i so miss that) and i can stop laughigabout it. so here i will share it with the world. and i fell sorry for the dicks. they dont have eat easy.
so that it.
over and out!
04 March, 2010
i have been away with my animal behaviur studys and going home tomorrow.
we have been loooking at crikets and there fighting behavour. and first day. fun althe oter days borings. we have done around 250 fights. and after the first 50 it was one of the most borign stuff i have ever done.
and the fakt that my tuter are not here al the time. i feel that we will not be jugde good on this one. i want the higher mark and i dont have someone to see it. i know me and one of the others havedone more work. siting longer at night and esiding more. and then that other will get the same because of us is bad. bad bad. but what to do?
but i is a nice place to be. if i wasent so boring being here. goind home tomorrow and then this pain is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soooooooo nice!
we have been loooking at crikets and there fighting behavour. and first day. fun althe oter days borings. we have done around 250 fights. and after the first 50 it was one of the most borign stuff i have ever done.
and the fakt that my tuter are not here al the time. i feel that we will not be jugde good on this one. i want the higher mark and i dont have someone to see it. i know me and one of the others havedone more work. siting longer at night and esiding more. and then that other will get the same because of us is bad. bad bad. but what to do?
but i is a nice place to be. if i wasent so boring being here. goind home tomorrow and then this pain is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soooooooo nice!
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